Sunday, October 10, 2021

No More War (#HarrisRants)

This Harris rant originally posted here on Aug 26th, 2013

Once again, the drums of war are beating loudly... Then again, when have those drums really stopped? I can honestly no longer remember a time that we weren't discussing some ongoing costly battle to free people to death - by that I mean, bomb, kill, mame, and destroy, all the in sake of bringing freedom to some foreign country. Currently the country in question is Syria, and those war drums are being pounded in an increased tempo for military intervention into their ongoing civil war. The psy-op for this one has been building for quite some time now, with the latest trigger move being a supposed chemical weapons attack from President Assad.

The mainstream media and random political pundits all around the world are now ramping up the case for western intervention into Syria, and it baffles me that there are people out there who are agreeing with this case, demanding that something be done about this evil Assad. More than baffle however, it upsets me, it angers me even. I'm actually in shock that there are people out there who are not seeing this for what it really is, that people from all around the planet continue to fall for this same old song and dance we've seen over and over again...

Even though the US were totally fine - gave their blessing, in fact - with Iraq using chemical weapons against Iran in the 1980's...

Even though the world was later pushed into deadly and costly Iraq war based on total lies, mainly that Saddam had WMDs and promised to use them...

Even though groups like the CIA has been exposed as ones who overthrow governments via coups - like their admitted involvement in the 1953 Iran coup...

Even though in 2007 retired 4-star U.S. army general, Wesley Clark exposed a US plan to take out 7 countries - Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Iran - and have since mostly succeeded in that...

Even though documents have been leaked discussing plans in 2011 that the US were going to stage a collapse of Syria using rebels, guerrilla tactics and assassinations...

Even though other leaked documents tell us that the “US Backed Plan to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria and Blame it on Assad Government”...

Even though we know Obama has authorized covert support for Syrian rebels, and have also directly funded rebels in Syria - who just happen to be human heart eating cannibals ...

Even though a chemical attack has already happened, attempted to be pinned on Assad, before confirming it was actually the rebels who carried it out, in attempt to draw in the rest of the world...

Even though we have all the information we could possibly need to formulate a case for non-intervention into Syria, people are still calling for the US military, and their allies, to intervene. Yes, that's right; many are demanding more war; demanding it when we all know this is just continued imperialist behaviour from an elite group of people, and the governments they are in bed with.

The more I think about these topics, there more I actually don't believe that people aren't aware of what exactly is going on. There just happens to be people who agree with the course of action. They agree with the destruction of other countries. They agree with the murder of certain groups of people. They agree with the destabilisation of the middle east, and anywhere else that stands in the way of the imperialistic grand plan. These people aren't oblivious to what's up; they just want this war. They continuously want more war. Maybe they just want endless war, I don't know. What I do know is that it pisses me off, these people who crave war, these people who want to send somebody else's kids off to the battleground while they sit comfortably in their own homes thousands of kilometres away, these people who...

... you know what; I better stop there before I go on a long, anger-filled, tirade. What I really want to express at this point is that foreign interests have to leave Syria alone. The very prospect of military intervention in that country is creating massive tensions all over the world, and all of this tension could very easily lead us to a World War III scenario. As a non-interventionist, and as somebody who is very much aware of the reality of the situation, I say the world let Syria figure out it's own mess - that includes not funding rebels, not creating reasons to go to war with them, and certainly not taking military action against them. This mentality shouldn't end with Syria either. Creating enemies via imperialistic warfare does nothing to bring peace and freedom to everyone else. In fact, it has quite the opposite affect, and I think people know this by now. This debate is no longer about people waking up to the realities of warfare. It's about those who want this cycle of war-filled madness to continue, versus those who - and I know what side I'm on - just want no more war.

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